21 Dec 2011

Bank Dunia: Pinjaman dibuat melalui MTEN

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Dis: PKR mendedahkan, pinjaman kepada Bank Dunia dibuat oleh kerajaan Malaysia melalui Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Negara (MTEN) yang dipengerusikan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Ia dibuat melalui satu badan di bawah MTEN iaitu Pelan Pemulihan Ekonomi Negara (National Economic Recovery Plan, NERP).

Demikian didedahkan oleh Rafizi Ramli (gambar), Pengarah Strategik PKR dalam satu kenyataannya hari ini bagi menjawab penafian Dr Mahathir beliau ada memohon pinjaman dari Bank Dunia.

Apa Khabar Awang Adek, Sihat Ke?

Apa hal pula dengan bakal MB Kelantan yang tidak jadi, Awang Adek Hussein? Khabarnya Awang Adek ada terlibat dengan satu siasatan SPRM? Saya mendengar ceritanya malam tadi dari orang kuat Umno bahagian Bachok. Hairan juga kenapa orang Umno bercerita begitu hal Awang Adek Hussein. Apakah Awang Adek ada masalah dengan Umno Bachok?

Barang kali cerita itulah ada kena mengena dengan penjelasan Awang Adek hari ini yang mengakui dia memang ada menerima wang tunai menerusi akaun peribadinya. Katanya sumbangan itu untuk program parti.
Betullah sumbangan untuk program parti. Kata Awang Adek sumbangan itu menerusi tiga akaun peribadinya. Wang itu diuruskan oleh seorang pegawai peribadinya dan dia tahu dari mana dan untuk apa. Beliau juga ada pegang transaksi wang berkenaan. Jadi halallah wang itu?

Shahrizat sedia letak jawatan?

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Dis: Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil dijangka akan mengemukakan cadangan kepada Perdana Menteri samada meletakkan jawatan sebagai Menteri Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga atau tidak.

"Tidak ada siapa yang perlu memberitahu saya apa yang perlu saya buat.

"Sebagai pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab dan sudah matang dalam politik dan sayang kepada Barisan Nasional (BN), saya tahu apa yang patut saya buat dan saya akan bincangkannya dengan Datuk Seri Najib," kata Sharizat kepada wartawan hari ini.

Umno bukan lagi berjuang untuk rakyat

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Dis: Pemuda PAS Selangor berasa lucu dengan tindakan ‘kebudak-budakan’ dan tidak bertamadun puak-puak Umno dan rakan sekutu mereka seperti Perkasa, GPMS, Majlis Belia dan lain-lain yang berterusan mengecam dan mengancam Adam Adli kerana menurunkan bendera bergambar Najib baru-baru ini.
Ketuanya, Hasbullah Mohd Ridzwan berkata, Umno kini sudah kehilangan arah perjuangan yang sebenar sehingga terlalu memuliakan pemimpin mereka sehingga ke tahap yang tidak sepatutnya.
“Adakah tindakan meminta permohonan maaf Adam Adli lebih diutamakan atau penipuan dan kezaliman Umno terhadap rakyat yang perlu dihentikan?
“Apakah tindakan Adam Adli menurunkan gambar Najib terlalu ekstrem sehingga boleh merosakkan aqidah orang-orang Umno?” soalnya dalam kenyataan kepada Harakahdaily.

Dakwat kekal: Perkasa bagai budak hingusan

PARIT BUNTAR, 21 Dis: Umno dan NGOnya umpama budak hingusan yang tidak sedar hingusnya meleleh berhubung penggunaan dakwat kekal pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 nanti.
Bagi Adun Titi Serong, Drs Khalil Idham Lim, isu dakwat kekal itu telah mencetuskan pelbagai kisah yang menarik dan tidak kurang juga yang melucukan, telah membuatkan Umno hilang kewarasannya.
Selain itu, katanya NGO tegar Umno, Perkasa yang mana tindakan mereka telah menjelaskan betapa mereka hilang akal apabila timbul ura-ura Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mahu menggunakan dakwat kekal pada PRU 13 tidak lama lagi.
Perkasa memberi amaran, tindakan SPR mahu menggunakan dakwat kekal dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang akan menyebabkan orang Melayu tidak keluar mengundi dan akan membawa negara ke belakang.
“Sebenarnya langkah itu seiring dengan syor Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen berhubung penambahbaikan proses pilihan raya,” kata Khalil dalam satu kenyataan di sini.

Pertahan dasar ‘Membangun Negara Berkebajikan’

Pertahan dasar ‘Membangun Negara Berkebajikan’ KUALA LUMPUR- Sewaktu pimpinan PAS dan seluruh ahlinya ijmak menerima konsep Negara Berkebajikan melalui muktamar tahunannya, malah ia adalah kandungan ucapan dasar presiden parti ‘Membangun Negara Berkebajikan’ yang telah diterima sebulat suara, maka ia menjadi dasar parti yang mesti dipertahankan oleh semua pimpinan dan ahlinya.
Justeru, Ketua Pemuda PAS Malaysia, Nasrudin Hassan (gambar) menegaskan tidak layak bagi mana-mana pemimpin atau ahli parti mempertikai konsep yang telah diijmakkan melalui satu majlis pemesyuaratan yang besar seperti muktamar tahunan yang sah, sementara kritikan membina dan pandangan tambah nilai adalah senantiasa dialu-alukan.
AJK PAS Pusat, Datuk Dr Hassan Ali melalui akhbar Umno, Utusan Malaysia hari ini mempertikaikan dasar "Membangun Negara Berkebajikan" yang menjadi tema PAS sekarang ini.
Bagi Hassan, PAS sepatutnya kekal dengan dasar negara Islam yang telah menjadi perjuangan asal PAS.

Tiada Niat Sertai Umno:Nasharudin

Tiada Niat Sertai Umno:NasharudinPETALING JAYA- Bekas Timbalan Presiden PAS, Nasharudin Mat Isa yang mendapat kecaman hebat daripada beberapa pemimpin parti itu berhubung kesetiaannya terhadap PAS menegaskan beliau tidak mempunyai niat sebesar zarah sekalipun unntuk menyertai Umno.
Menurut beliau, dakwaan kononnya dia terperangkap dalam agenda Umno terlalu jauh menyimpang daripada kebenaran dan tidak berasas.
"Saya tegaskan di sini bahawa saya adalah ahli PAS dan perjuangan saya kekal bersama parti untuk menjunjung risalah Islam, menyumbang kepada ummah dalam apa jua keadaan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan pada Rabu.
Nasharudin berkata, sepanjang bersama PAS beliau tidak pernah mengeluarkan ungkapan akan menyertai Umno.
"Janganlah gunakan alasan mudah seperti ini untuk menyimpulkan tindakan, pandangan atau perhitungan politik saya pada ketika kita mengharung gelombang percaturan politik yang jauh lebih mencabar," katanya.

PRU-13 semakin hampir, Perak bertukar menjadi tempat ‘pembunuhan politik’

PRU-13 semakin hampir, Perak bertukar menjadi tempat ‘pembunuhan politik’Pemilihan terkini menunjukkan bahawa rakyat Perak akan memihak kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang, yang dijangka akan dipanggil pada tahun 2012. Ia akan menjadi satu tugas besar bagi Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk kekal berkuasa selepas diambil alih secara kelam-kabut dan diragui oleh Pakatan Rakyat pada Februari 2009 selepas tiga anggota perundangan negeri dari Pakatan mengisytiharkan diri mereka sebagai ahli bebas. Rupa-rupanya, pengundi masih marah atas peristiwa-peristiwa yang menumbangkan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat melalui proses mahkamah.
Zambry Abdul Kadir, MB terkini, tidak boleh dipersalahkan bagi Umno sekarang dan BN yang tidak popular di Perak. Malah di seluruh negara populariti mereka juga telah semakin surut ke tahap yang paling rendah kerana kualiti kepimpinan yang lemah dan huru-hara yang berkaitan dengan skandal, rasuah, dan kronisme di kalangan pemimpin mereka.

Nasharuddin dan Hasan, dua talam dua muka yang PAS boleh buang

Seorang di antara mereka mahu mencipta sejarah menjadi insan yang menyatukan orang Melayu dan umat Islam dengan menggabungkan PAS dan UMNO. Nasharudin Mat Isa juga cukup bodoh dengan mempercayai pembohongan mereka yang memberitahunya bahawa dia akan menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Seorang lagi mempunyai cita-cita yang tidak begitu tinggi, dia hanya mahu menjadi Menteri Besar Selangor. Dan apabila dia gagal untuk mendapatkan apa yang dia mahu, Hasan Ali bersikap tidak ubah seperti seorang yang ingin mensabotaj Pakatan Rakyat dan partinya.
Nasharuddin dan Hasan, dua talam dua muka yang PAS boleh buang Pada masa ini Ahli Parlimen PAS Bachok, Nasharudin berkhidmat sebagai Timbalan Presiden PAS 2005-2011, dan merapatkan dirinya dengan Hadi Awang, Presiden PAS. Jelas sekali, ini adalah untuk memastikan kenaikan mendadak beliau dan untuk sementara waktu, mereka yang curigakannya agak berputus asa memikirkan keinginan beliau untuk bergabung dengan UMNO sehinggalah Nik Aziz Nik Mat menolak idea itu. Pada kongres tahunan PAS 2011, Nasharudin ditewaskan oleh Mat Sabu yang rendah diri -tanda yang jelas bahawa perwakilan PAS tidak mahu mempunyai apa-apa kaitan dengan UMNO.

Sensing time's up, Hasan Ali declares war against PAS

KUALA LUMPUR— Datuk Hasan Ali has declared war on PAS with his rejection of the “Negara Berkebajikan” concept as championed by its leaders, party vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar said today.
Sensing time's up, Hasan Ali declares war against PASMahfuz’s remark appears the clearest sign yet that Hasan’s days in PAS are numbered, especially after his recent public criticisms of the party sparked outrage and condemnation from a host of senior leaders in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition.
Hasan, a senior Selangor government leader, has accused PAS of deviating from its Islamic agenda, pointing to the shift to push the concept of a “Negara Berkebajikan” or Welfare State, at the party’s annual general meeting earlier this year.
“His statement yesterday when he rejected ‘Negara Berkebajikan’ is a declaration of war with PAS... It can be considered waging war against the party by rejecting decisions made by party leaders,” Mahfuz (picture) told reporters at a press conference here.

Shahrizat's husband says to behave "intelligently": Refuses to clarify RM10mil S'pore condo

KUALA LUMPUR— Finding himself cast in the spotlight again over PKR’s latest round of allegations on the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) scandal, Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail has retreated further into the shadows.
Shahrizat's husband says to behave "intelligently": Refuses to clarify RM10mil S'pore condoThe NFC executive chairman refused today to refute, deny or confirm the allegations, saying he was no longer speaking to the media on the matter.
“No…I am not speaking to any media. I’m sorry,” Mohamad Salleh told The Malaysian Insider in a soft, apologetic voice.
His wife, senior Cabinet minister and senator Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abd Jalil, has already absolved herself from any involvement in the RM250 million controversy.
In her first move to address the matter during the recent Umno annual general meeting, Shahrizat said it had nothing to do with her.
Since then, the Wanita Umno chief has neither moved to attack her accusers nor attempted to ward off the accusations by issuing a denial.

To guarantee victory, Pakatan too needs to buck up

Although I am a DAP member and a huge supporter of Pakatan Rakyat, I must declare that I am a little disappointed as to how they have been conducting themselves of late. When it comes to seat allocations during the General Elections is it obvious that many people want their say, and the expression "washing dirty linen in public" could be very aptly used.
To guarantee victory, Pakatan too needs to buck upAfter an atrocious showing by Umno at their General Assembly which basically comprised of fear-mongering the loss of Malay power, disrespect to the royal institution by the opposition and DAP bashing, I would have thought that Pakatan Rakyat, especially the DAP would capitalise on this hatred. However what has transpired since from the opposition parties have been extremely disappointing.
It is already very clear that the BN government is corrupt and racist. Umno are unapologetic in their slanderous onslaught which is dripping with racial venom and blatant lies. The MCA continues to flog the hudud horse, pitting PAS against the DAP and Gerakan offering nuggets of sense in support of electoral reform. The party missing from this equation happens to be the MIC, who have done the most intelligent thing by keeping silent.

Nasharudin pledges to stay loyal to PAS

Nasharudin pledges to stay loyal to PASPETALING JAYA- Embattled former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa has pledged his loyalty to his party and denied claims that he intends to join Umno.
"All these claims that I am trapped in the agenda and games of our political enemies are far from the truth and baseless," said Nasharudin in a press statement Wednesday.
"Throughout my participation in PAS, which I accept as the voice of Islam for Muslims in the country, I have not once stated that I intend to join Umno.
"I would like to stress that I am a PAS member, and my struggle to uphold Islam and help Muslims in any way remains with PAS," he said.
Nasharudin has been under fire after his allegations that the party was "loose" and had "cast aside" its Islamic principles to pursue political power.

Bersih: Assembly law means you can forget about 'fair' elections

KUALA LUMPUR — Bersih 2.0 called today for the controversial Peaceful Assembly Bill to not be gazetted, as it would defeat efforts to hold free and fair elections.
Bersih: Assembly law means you can forget about 'fair' electionsThe electoral reforms movement said today the proposed law, which has been passed by both Houses of Parliament, would result in a “violation of the fundamental right to freedom of assembly” if implemented.
“Bersih 2.0 is disappointed that the Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 was passed in the Senate yesterday. Clean, free and fair elections are fantasy when civil liberties are curbed,” the coalition of 62 NGOs said in a statement today.
The movement, which saw tens of thousands of supporters pour into the capital on July 9, said any move to gain royal assent and gazette the assembly Bill as law must be halted to ensure fair elections.

Najib: I have not received resignation letter from Shahrizat yet

KUALA LUMPUR — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today said he has not received a resignation letter from embattled minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abd Jalil.
Najib: I have not received resignation letter from Shahrizat yet“I have not received it,” he said when asked if he was handed a resignation letter from Shahrizat.
When asked to comment on the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) controversy dogging the women, family and community development minister and her family, Najib declined by saying he will make his views known at a later date.
“When the time comes, I will respond,” he said, before promptly ending the press conference.

Khairy fails to strike out Anwar's RM100mil defamation suit

KUALA LUMPUR- Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar has failed in his bid to strike out a RM100mil defamation suit filed by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim against him.
Khairy fails to strike out Anwar's RM100mil defamation suitHigh Court judge Justice Hue Siew Kheng rejected the striking out application by Khairy Wednesday and ordered Khairy to pay RM7,000 in costs to Anwar.
The judge made her order after meeting the parties in chambers.
Lead counsel Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah acted for Khairy while Sulaiman Abdullah and J. Leela represented Anwar.
Speaking to reporters later, Muhammad Shafee said the judge decided that "this is not a clearest case to strike out" the suit.
Muhammad Shafee said the case would go for a full trial now.
"We will appeal (against the court ruling)," he said.

Nurul to hold torch for Pakatan if Anwar jailed: Umno will be annihilated!

Malaysians have taken in that the Pakatan Pact has grown larger than Anwar’s image. With or without Anwar’s physical presence, Pakatan is on the road to make a big impact in the next general election, expected to be held in early 2012. Conviction of Anwar will assist the Opposition make deeper inroads into the voters’ psyche. If this is properly strategized, Pakatan can win big in the next general election.
Nurul to hold torch for Pakatan if Anwar jailed: Umno will be annihilated!January 9, 2012 will determine Anwar’s fate in the court of law. Guilty or not guilty, Anwar’s fervour and charm will keep haunting Barisan Nasional. If Anwar is convicted, the Pakatan torch  – according to many political observers – will be passed on to astute Nurul Izzah, his daughter. To UMNO and BN this will be nightmarish.  The sympathy for Anwar is then going to help the Opposition more and Nurul will gradually measure up to be made the political icon for Pakatan. The young generation, in particular, is bound to give unparalleled support to Nurul.
“Imprisonment of Anwar will enrage the masses, but a guilty or acquittal verdict will not yield political benefits for BN. If the strategy is to remove him it is not a wise idea. This will incur the wrath of  the people.” said a fence sitter in Penang.

Shahrizat hints of quitting: As a responsible leader, I know what action is needed

Shahrizat hints of quitting: As a responsible leader, I know what action is needed Under heavy fire for an abuse of power and corruption scandal, Umno minister Shahrizat Jalil gave her strongest hint yet she was ready to quit her Cabinet post ahead of snap general elections, widely expected to be held early next year.
However, it is less clear whether she would also resign her post as the head of Wanita Umno, the party's women's wing. In the past weeks, several Umno stalwarts including former premier Mahathir Mohamad have asked her to step down.
The quit calls came after arch rivals Parti Keadilan Rakyat exposed the RM250 million NFC debacle, showing documentary evidence that instead of using the government soft loan to finance the development of a cattle livestock industry, Shahrizat's family had spent the money to buy luxury condos in Bangsar and Singapore, a super-class Mercedes Benz plus grant million ringgit discounts and cash transfers to family-owned firms.
“Nobody needs to tell me what to do. As a responsible leader and veteran in politics who loves Barisan Nasional, I know what action needs to be taken and I will discuss it with (Prime Minister) Najib Razak,” Shahrizat told reporters on Wednesday.

Najib's vanity begins to hurt and drag down Umno

One of the students who demonstrated against Malaysia’s draconian University and Colleges Act last Saturday, Adam Adli, brought down a flag of Najib Razak. It is not clear why Najib Razak had himself flown as a flag. Does he think he is a country?
Najib's vanity begins to hurt and drag down UmnoIt is the first time many of us would have heard of such a practice by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Najib Razak has a likeness of himself hoisted as a flag in front of his party headquarters. It is more the kind of thing one would expect of the late but unmissed Kim Jong-Il.
The case of Najib’s face on a flag moves from laughable to sinister when it is combined with a song called ‘PM Kita’ (Our PM) which is being played on the BN governments usual propaganda outlets.
There is clearly method in Najib’s vainness. He is starting a personality cult! Or perhaps we should be honest, and call it a lack-of-personality cult. For if there is one trait that differentiates Najib from Anwar Ibrahim; it is Anwar’s charisma, personality and ready wit compared to Najib’s startling lack of the same.

For 13 long years, Dr M lied to M'sians and the world to keep Anwar at bay

For 13 long years, Dr M lied to M'sians and the world to keep Anwar at bayNo singular event has defined Malaysia more than the still on-going battle between Anwar Ibrahim and Mahathir Mohamad. Their feud has shaped the country's political landscape since 1998. It has fueled the vilest form of character assassination, total degradation of the judiciary, the compromising of the integrity of the police force and the subjugation of the media to the ruling government. And the effects of this feud will continue to determine the course of the nation for many years to come.
Till now, the seed of the feud is shrouded in mystery. By the mid-1990s, it had become clear that the most serious threat to Mahathir's power was the strong leadership calibre of his then deputy. Perhaps sensing it, Anwar began to distance himself from Mahathir, overtly promoting his superior religious credentials and appearing to suggest he favoured loosening the restrictions on civil liberties that had become a hallmark of Mahathir's premiership.